Our special guest speakers will guide you to success. Discover tips and tricks on how to secure a job with an outstanding job application and plan your financial future. After the economic challenges faced from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, get some smart tips in the way you acquire and spend money. Check out the program below:

Tips for a financially secure life.

Presented by Moustafa Fahour OAM, Founder and Director, Islamic Museum of Australia. Founder of Islamic Museum of Australia, Moustafa was formerly the CEO and Managing Director of one of the leading diversified international contractors in the Middle East, based in Dubai. He has over 15 years of experience in the banking industry, construction, management and has held senior roles with CIMIC Group, Macquarie Bank, National Australia Bank, UBS and Citigroup. He was recognised with the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) by the Australian Government in 2015, was selected as one of The World’s Most Influential Young Arabs under the age of 40, by Arabian Business and the distinguished Alumni Award by La Trobe University in 2016.

Through the eyes of a recruiter.

Presented by Rima El-Khub, People Business Partner, Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM). In addition, sessional Lecturer, University of Melbourne. Rima El-Khub current is a People Business Partner in the Projects Division at Metro Trains Melbourne. She has a Masters in Human Resource Management and a Bachelors in Computer Systems. Rima worked in various industries including engineering, consulting, medical, finance and education. She has particular interests in learning and development, diversity and inclusion across the various aspects of the people cycle. Rima is a sessional lecturer at The University of Melbourne, teaching postgrad management subjects. All participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the forum.